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Technologies used:

  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
  • Blitz.js
  • Prisma
  • Stripe

Project Description

FirstX is a SaaS platform from 10X Ventures that helps businesses gain their first 'X' customers with intelligent suggestions, corrections, and messaging algorithms to avoid messages being flagged as spam or accounts as bots and so much more, all while simplifying the rigorous manual organic outreach system. It uses Twitter via the Twitter API as the primary outreach channel.

I worked remotely with a team of full-stack developers based in the United States while building this product. We mainly used a framework called Blitz.js in developing our products at 10X Ventures, a full-stack React and Node.js framework built on Next.js and Express.js. TailwindCSS and SCSS were used for styling, and PostgreSQL was used as the database technology.

I was especially proud of my contributions concerning the use of the Twitter API and Queues to move heavy processing to the background and improve the user experience of the application among others.

Project Images